A PHP developer for your project.

I am working with a variety of clients on diverse shorter and longer term projects, ranging from developing complete web applications to modifying existing code and creating new functionality on popular CMS's.

I have over 15 years of coding experience with WordPress and Joomla, as well as extensive coding practice building add-ons for XenForo.

I am also programming, maintaining and marketing my own websites.

Among the clients I am working with on a longer term basis are:

Here are a few examples of my work:

jReviews application (work integrated into the official release of jReviews):

Discussion board plugins and add-ons:


You can contact me at if you want to see a more detailed client sites portfolio.

What you will receive:

Feel free to contact me at describing the project you have in mind!

Talk soon, Gigi.

jReviews freelancer